Parliamentarians duped over Islamophobia – postscript

As if Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 weren’t enough about the All Party Parliamentary Group definition of Islamophobia, here comes a postcript!

There are two reasons – firstly, there have been developments since those three articles were written and, secondly, I feel bound to draw an obvious, yet everywhere undrawn, conclusion from the whole process.

1. Later Developments:

On 16th May 2019 the House of Commons debated the APPG definition and the British Government formally declined to adopt it.

During the debate Communities Secretary James Brokenshire characterised the APPG definition as a “backdoor blasphemy law” and rejected it on the grounds that it is too vague and has “potential consequences for freedom of speech”.

He also made it clear that the definition is “not in conformity with the Equality Act 2010, which defines ‘race’ as comprising color, nationality and national or ethnic origins — not religious practice”.

Prior to this a flurry of critical responses had already appeared from people who matter, not just humble bloggers. For instance:

A group of British academics, writers and public officials signed this open letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid.

Richard Walton, former Head of Counter-Terrorism Command of the Metropolitan Police warned here that:

     “…this deeply flawed definition – which wrongly conflates the religion of Islam with a racial group –
      could over time cripple the UK’s successful counter-terrorism strategy and counter-terrorism

Sir John Jenkins produced this comprehensive demolition of the definition. If I had come across it earlier I probably wouldn’t have bothered delving into the subject myself.

My efforts added only one thing to Sir John’s report. Although he points to the “radical chic of critical theory, derived from a particular reading of the Frankfurt School and largely French postmodern theorists” he does not examine the core of the definition, the bogus sociological concept of cultural racism. You can only find that in the aforementioned Part 3.

In response, Wes Streeting (that’s him, centre front row, seated between Anna Soubry and Baroness Warsi) responded in the Guardian:

     ”…it is particularly disappointing to see a noisy chorus of vocal opposition making arguments in
      bad faith that accuse us of trying to use the term Islamophobia to shut down criticism of Islam
      and introduce blasphemy laws by the back door. In fact, our report makes it crystal clear that
      our definition does not preclude criticism of Islam or Islamic theology”.

Yes, the report does make it crystal clear, in the introduction, that ”our definition does not preclude criticism of Islam or Islamic theology”. But towards the end it also makes it crystal clear that many things that we had thought came under the heading of Islam or Islamic theology, now come under the heading of Muslimness, a splendidly vague neologism which the APPG have added to the already vague enough concept of Islamophobia.

As an example of the difference, if the APPG get their way it will become an offence to call Islam an aggressively supremacist cult, which it is and has been for 1400 years.

2. Drawing an obvious conlusion:

In the House of Commons James Brokenshire said:

     ”It is vital that we get this right, that any definition reflects the experience of those who have
      experienced hatred because they are Muslims, and that we can be satisfied it will have a positive
      effect…With the best of intent, the APPG definition does not yet meet this and further work and
      consideration is needed”.

Why would anyone assume that a “backdoor blasphemy law” had been proposed “with the best of intent”?

In his report Sir John Jenkins wrote:

     “There is no doubt that the MPs involved had – and have – the best of intentions.

Why does he think there is no doubt?

Elsewhere in his report he shows that he is fully aware of the malign influence on the report of the sinister Islamist organisation MEND but merely asks:

     “Were members of the APPG and other MPs who appeared at the launch of the report fully
      informed about the connections of those who helped write this report and contribute evidence?“

I suggest that anyone with the best of intentions should have informed themselves about who was presenting information to them, and about their possible agendas. Even if the members were totally duped by MEND and their ideologically aligned academics, they were soon enlightened after the publication by the criticisms from Sir John and others but they still stand by the report.

The APPG report does not at all reflect the best of intentions. Rather, it is a determined and deceptive attempt to claim special protection from criticism for one religion, Islam, just as Sharia demands. The individual members must have been either astonishingly naive, or complicit in what can only be described as enemy action against our society. It is just the proportions which are in doubt.

Lizzie Dearden reported in the Independent:

     ”It [the APPG definition] has been adopted by parties including Labour, the Liberal Democrats,
      Plaid Cymru, Scottish National Party and Scottish Conservatives, and backed by 750 Muslim
      organistions and institutions

That is an awful lot of Muslim organisations, isn’t it? Do they all understand cultural racism and Muslimness? I doubt it. I contend that all they see is the demand for special treatment, which equals Sharia, which equals power. Their immediate response of “Yes, we’ll have some of that” demonstrates more clearly than any poll what a great many Muslims actually want, and who and what they identify with above all else.

The expected response to hearing that the APPG definition is supported by 750 Muslim organisations is that it must therefore be good. Having examined the definition in detail, and found it bad, my conclusion is that a great many Muslims, beyond the ranks of the usual suspects, must wish to see Sharia trump the British values of free speech and equal treatment for all.

My “Islamophobia” has in fact been confirmed and even strengthened by this alarming report and by the whole unedifying process of its production. I wonder how many other people it has affected in the same way.

8 thoughts on “Parliamentarians duped over Islamophobia – postscript

  1. tamimisledus

    All muslims believe that _allah_ is the creator of the universe, and therefore that the system sharia, by which he commands humans to live, is perfect.
    So, all muslims wish for the UK to live under sharia. It is a perfect system after all.
    Find me just one individual who meets the criteria in my first sentence who does not satisfy the second.

  2. iamcurmudgeon

    He is, and his book is a well documented history book, not a rant. The problem for Islamist apologists like CAIR is that the truth is very ugly. “But what about the peaceful Muslims?” Sure, they’re the majority……but most probably don’t read their Quran, just like most Christians don’t read their Bible. What is true about a faith is two things: the actual example their founder/prophet/messiah set, and what their Scriptures say. Muhammad lived a libertine’s wet dream, Jesus Christ conquered death and set the captives free!

    1. Philip Smeeton

      The statistics i have seen show that it is a minority of muslims that are peaceful, which is what you would expect given the islam is thereligionofwar. When asked if they support terrorism the majority answer yes and the vast majority of muslims say that everyone should obey Sharia law.

      1. ECAW's blog Post author

        Can you provide a reference for those figures? I find polls vary widely (so much so that I don’t put much credence on them generally) but I have never come across any which give such pronounced results.

  3. iamcurmudgeon

    ECAW, it appears you are writing from good old Britain. I am in Spokane Washington. I am reading the book by Raymond Ibrahim, called The Sword and the Scimitar: Fourteen centuries of war between Islam and the West. This history is told through battles, strategy, tactics, and the driving beliefs. Mr. Ibrahim was invited to lecture on these battles by the US Army War College, USAWC. When CAIR—which should stand for Craven Apologists of Islamist Rhetoric—found out about the scheduled lecture, they mounted a furious media assault on the invitation. Of course, if anyone could stand up to them, it would be the US military. Nope, the USAWC caved and disinvited him. Gee, why are the Islamists so emboldened? That’s a hard one.

    1. ECAW's blog Post author

      Yes, I read about that. It’s unbelievable how effective they are and how easily our side fold, even with Trump now in charge rather than Obama. Raymond Ibrahim is an admirable man, a Coptic Christian I believe.

  4. Philip Smeeton

    We exist in a society where killing is regarded to be a sin, in competition with a culture that sees killing to be a virtue.


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